Pathfinder, the popular tabletop role-playing game, has officially released its full playtest rules for its upcoming Second Edition.
Pathfinder is a spinoff of sorts of Dungeons & Dragons, created back in 2008 as an alternative to D&D's controversial Fourth Edition rules. Pathfinder built off of D&D's popular 3.5 edition rules to create an RPG with a near limitless option of builds and character types.
More than 40,000 gamers joined in the fun by playtesting the Pathfinder RPG rules and providing feedback. It has been 10 years, and Paizo is announcing a public playtest to help with the 2nd edition. Want to be a part []. The Pathfinder 2nd Edition playtest officially kicks off August 2nd, when you can download a free PDF of the playtest rules, or for those completionists who must have everything Paizo puts out, you can buy a hardcover copy.
After ten years, Paizo, the maker of Pathfinder, announced plans to release a second edition of Pathfinder that solved some of the well-known problems with the game. To help prepare for the release of Pathfinder 2.0, Paizo released an extensive set of rules and a full adventure path for players to test the new game and provide feedback. Since this is a public Playtest, the rulebook and adventure path can be downloaded for free on Paizo's website.
If you've played D&D or Pathfinder before, you shouldn't have too many problem jumping into the PathfinderPlaytest. The core classes and races are largely the same (Paizo has added goblins and an alchemist class as core parts of the game) and the point of the Playtest is still the same - to explore, battle, and gain experience.
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However, the Pathfinder Playtest does approach character builds and combat a bit differently. In combat, players can take three actions instead of the usual 'move action,' 'action,' and 'bonus action' approach seen in other RPGs. All actions, whether moving, attacking, or otherwise, are counted equally, although some actions have a penalty if taken multiple times on a turn.
1commentsAs for character building, Pathfinder's arduous feat system has been completely overhauled. Many feats are specific to a certain class, which makes it easier to choose..but also takes away some of the customization options that players are used to. In addition, magic items are also overhauled, as players now need to use 'resonance points,' which forces some classes to make hard choices on what items to use instead of simply stacking as many magical items as they can into the game.
Since this is a Playtest, these rules aren't necessarily final and aren't 'official.' However, if you want to get into the ground floor of the next big RPG, you can download the complete Pathfinder Playtest package for free and provide valuable feedback used to craft the next generation of the game.
Pathfinder 2e Playtest Rulebook updated
Since Paizo has only provided the updates in a separate file, to make it easier for me and my players when we check the rules and know what's valid or not, I've annotated all the updates so far with the annotation and commentary tools that PDF format provide. You can download it in this link: Pathfinder 2e Playtest Rulebook Updated Acer aspire 3690 network controller driver.

The number of updates is already astronomical, and I think it will be very difficult to keep up with the pace with Paizo without help.
EDIT (Sep 25 2018): New version of the Rulebook with the Update 1.3, release date 09/24/2018. Collaboration of u/chgiaimo.
EDIT (Oct 1 2018): New version (1.0.1 - 10/1/2018) of the Rulebook with the Update 1.3, release date 09/04/2018. The new version has shortcut links on each page reference in the book so that you can just click on the page and it will take you to the page that they reference. There are also links in the Table of Contents and the Index. Those where provided by u/zargert. I made shortcut links in the spells lists.
EDIT (Oct 5 2018): New version (1.0.2 - 10/2/2018) of the Rulebook with the Update 1.3, release date 09/04/2018. Now with shortcuts to the Treasure Table provided by u/zargert.
Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest Download
EDIT (Oct 10 2018): New version of the Rulebook with the Update 1.4, release date 08/10/2018 (version 1.0.0 - 10/8/2018)
EDIT (Oct 10 2018): New version of the Rulebook with the Update 1.4, release date 08/10/2018 (version 1.0.1 - 10/8/2018). Some minor corrections in the levels in the new ancestry feat notes.
EDIT (Oct 24 2018): New version of the Rulebook with the Update 1.5, release date 10/22/2018 (version 1.0.0 - 10/22/2018)
Pathfinder 2nd Edition Download
EDIT (Nov 7 2018): New version of the Rulebook with the Update 1.6, release date 11/06/2018 (version 1.0.0 - 11/07/2018)
EDIT (Nov 7 2018): New version of the Rulebook with the Update 1.6, release date 11/06/2018 (version 1.0.1 - 11/07/2018). Just to include the update in Wild Shape (page 82). Thanks u/MidSolo for letting me know.
EDIT (Nov 8 2018): New version of the Rulebook with the Update 1.6, release date 11/06/2018 (version 1.0.2 - 11/08/2018). To correct the note in the Acid Arrow spell, which was erroneously put into the Acid Splash spell. Thanks for the tip, /u/Seud.