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Master Key Bonus Bo nus::
How to Do Hea Healin ling g Codes with wi th th the e Mast ste er Key for fo r Maxi ximu mum m Heali ling ng
by Diane Eble Certified Healing Codes Coach-Practitioner http://HealingCodesCoaching.com http://HealingHeartIssues.com
Thank you for ordering The Master Key. Key . This bonus is offered for anyone who gets The Master Key through my affiliate link. Because I get a commission from your doing that, I want to give back in some way. The information in this report is a reference guide to go back to as often as you need to.
Master Key Bonus: How to Do Healing Codes with The Master Key _____________________________________________________________
Note: You Do NOT Have the Right to Reprint or Resell this Information! © Copyright 2013 Diane Eble
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated, and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: Neither The Healing Codes nor the Master Key is intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or mental. The use of Healing Codes Coaching with a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner (CHCP) is specifically for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress. The Healing Codes and the Master Key should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. The information, instruction or advice given by a Certified Healing Codes Coach-Practitioner is not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional. The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update her opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor her affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws with govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state.
Copyright © 2014 Diane Eble All rights reserved. www.HealingCodesCoaching.com
Master Key Bonus: How to Do Healing Codes with The Master Key _____________________________________________________________
Ab out the Au thor Diane Eble has 35 years of experience in the publishing industry as an editor (magazines, fiction and nonfiction books, including the international best-seller, The Healing Code by Dr. Alex Loyd), and author (11 published books, more than 350 articles). As a result of working with Dr. Loyd on this fascinating new healing mode, she has also become certified as a Healing Codes Coach/Practitioner to help people heal the source of any health, relationship, or success issue. Diane now draws on this rich and unique background to help people understand how the source of every issue in life is in fact a “heart issue.” Every problem is based in a spiritual malfunction—some kind of lie believed, or negative image from a painful memory, that ends up blocking true success and happiness. When these heart issues are healed, through prayer and the application of simple exercises that activate the healing mechanisms of the body, the issues resolve and a renewed “heart” takes its rightful lead in giving direction for your life. Visit Diane’s Healing Heart Issues blog (www.HealingHeartIssues.com) or find out more about her personal one on one and group healing sessions at http://www.HealingCodesCoaching.com. She also recommends the Rediscovery of the Heart Institute to understand more about how the heart works and how to mine its vast resources to provide true riches for every aspect of your life.
Copyright © 2014 Diane Eble All rights reserved. www.HealingCodesCoaching.com
Master Key Bonus: How to Do Healing Codes with The Master Key _____________________________________________________________
Foundatio n: How Heali ng Codes and Master Key Work Together I have worked with The Healing Codes and The Master Key since 2010, when I was first introduced to the latter in a live event with Dr. Alex Loyd. I believe and have experienced that there is a powerful synergistic effect between the two, so that the power of each is enhanced by the other in combination. Though The Master Key by itself offers powerful healing effects, in my experience personal engagement always adds power. My study of quantum physics confirms this: conscious attention to a matter changes things dramatically. Therefore, these two systems together enable us to do two crucial things: identify the negatives (images, beliefs) and deliberately, through the addition of physical, mental and spiritual mechanisms (Master Key elements) that change things at the cellular/quantum level, we transform negatives into positives. When you identify the negative things in the Heart, and point to the Healing Centers while listening to the special frequencies of the Master Key tones and focusing on the powerful Healing Words and images, you infuse positive energy back into those Healing Centers. This imbues the whole body with specific positive energy that cancels out the negative and restructures the cellular energy pattern so that health can result. With The Healing Codes, the destructive energy pattern from the negative images, harmful behaviors, and wrong beliefs are neutralized or changed to positive. With the Master Key, the positive is greatly enhanced, even super-charged, so that healing takes place much quicker. The Master Key unlocks all the resources of Heart, Soul and Body to restore us back to the Creator’s original design.
First Step: Alph a Inducer The Alpha Inducer will help you access the un- and subconscious memories, so I always suggest you do that first, even before you identify your issue. Do it as instructed in your Master Key Manual.
Healing Code/Master Key Method #1 This is the suggestion from the Master Key Level 1 Manual—with my added prayers. 1. Identify the issue you would like to heal. If you can, rate how much it’s bothering you on a scale of 1 to 10. Identify the feeling in your issue. (For example, if you have a physical issue such as acid reflux, how do you feel about having that condition? Fear? Anxiety? Is there any image or belief that goes along with it? (Image of dying of esophageal cancer, for instance, or belief that things are worse than they seem.) Optional: ask yourself, “When is another time I had this same kind of fear?” If a memory Copyright © 2014 Diane Eble All rights reserved. www.HealingCodesCoaching.com
Master Key Bonus: How to Do Healing Codes with The Master Key _____________________________________________________________ comes up, you might want to rate the strength of the feeling/belief in that memory as well. (Rating only helps you know it’s healing. Skip the rating if it causes you stress.) 2. Say the prayer of intention to help your heart focus on what is to be healed. You may pray any way you like, but I have developed the following and it seems to give excellent results for my clients. Everything in it is based on research and testing. But adapt it if any part doesn’t sit well with you.
Dear God, I pray that you would call my spirit to attention to connect with your Spirit and receive your healing and grace. Please find, open, and heal all known and hidden negative images, unforgiveness, harmful actions, negative entanglements, wrong beliefs, and destructive cellular memories of any nature and origin, and all resulting physical issues [can add, 'especially ..'] with any connection to [insert issue, i.e. feeling/belief] from [insert memories]. Please replace all negatives with your love, light and truth. Please also magnify the effectiveness of this healing to the maximum level for my highest good, at an optimal pace, and restore everything in spirit, soul, mind, and body to your intended design. Thank you, Lord, for your willingness and ability to do these things. 3. Briefly point to the Healing Centers of your Healing Code (the Healing Code from the book, one from the Healing Codes Manual, or a custom Healing Code), holding the position for 1 minute total. So, for a 4-position Code, you would change positions every 15 seconds, a 3-position Code every 20 seconds, a 5-position Code every 6 seconds, etc. For added power, you can add “power breathing” while pointing: Breathe rapid and powerful “belly breaths” in and out. Do this by forcefully blowing out and sucking in through your mouth. Use your diaphragm so your belly moves out as you breathe in and moves in as you breathe out. (Start with making sure as you breathe in, your belly is expanding.) If you feel a little lightheaded, breathe the same way but reduce the intensity. 4. Now turn on the Master Key tone, either audio or video, with the Words. You might want to repeat the Words after you hear them. I think there is more power when you hear yourself saying the healing Words. Use one of the Energy Medicine hand position as you listen and meditate on the Words, using whatever images work for you. 5. When you are finished, I suggest the following prayer. The idea was suggested to me by a client who said he had a breakthrough when he prayed after doing a Code. I have since refined and tested the following “prayer of infusion” and find it very powerful. It is based on several sets of teachings that I don’t have time or space to go into now. I suggest you use it even if you don’t understand it.
Copyright © 2014 Diane Eble All rights reserved. www.HealingCodesCoaching.com
Master Key Bonus: How to Do Healing Codes with The Master Key _____________________________________________________________ I pray that the truth of these words would penetrate, saturate, and expand through my bones to heal all related fractals in all directions and melt all resistance to God's grace, so that the life-giving light of God would shine in all the darkness, and bring complete healing, peace, and right relationships with God, self and others.
Variations Using Healing Codes Using Healing Code Positions for Longer Than One Minute Pointing to the Healing Code positions even longer than 1 minute, while listening to the Master Key tones and meditating on the images, is another way to do it. Here’s how I do it. 1. As in Step 1 above, identify the issue you would like to heal. If you can, rate how much it’s bothering you on a scale of 1 to 10. Identify the feeling in your issue. Optional: ask yourself, “When is another time I had this same kind of fear?” If a memory comes up, you might want to rate the strength of the feeling/belief in that memory as well. (Rating only helps you know it’s healing. Skip the rating if it causes you stress.) 2. Say the prayer of intention to help your heart focus on what is to be healed.
Dear God, I pray that you would call my spirit to attention to connect with your Spirit and receive your healing and grace. Please find, open, and heal all known and hidden negative images, unforgiveness, harmful actions, negative entanglements, wrong beliefs, and destructive cellular memories of any nature and origin, and all resulting physical issues [can add, 'especially ..'] with any connection to [insert issue, i.e. feeling/belief] from [insert memories]. Please replace all negatives with your love, light and truth. Please also magnify the effectiveness of this healing to the maximum level for my highest good, at an optimal pace, and restore everything in spirit, soul, mind, and body to your intended design. Thank you, Lord, for your willingness and ability to do these things. 3. Turn on the Master Key music or video without words . Point to the Healing Centers of your Healing Code (from book, Manual, or custom Healing Code) while saying the Words and meditating on the images, repeating the Words every 15 seconds or so. In this case, you are the one saying the Words, repeating them to yourself so you hear yourself saying them. Do it as slowly as you want, 1 word per position, repeated 2-3 times before changing positions. 4. After 1-2 rounds of the Words (make sure you end on the last position of your Code), switch to the Energy Medicine position and continue to listen to the Master Key for the duration of your session. At this point you may switch to one of the recordings with the Words. Copyright © 2014 Diane Eble All rights reserved. www.HealingCodesCoaching.com
Master Key Bonus: How to Do Healing Codes with The Master Key _____________________________________________________________ 5. When you are finished, deepen the effects of the Code with the “prayer of infusion”:
I pray that the truth of these words would penetrate, saturate, and expand through my bones to heal all related fractals in all directions and melt all resistance to God's grace, so that the life-giving light of God would shine in all the darkness, and bring complete healing, peace, and right relationships with God, self and others.
Variation Using the Q Codes (includin g doing it for another person) If you have the Q Codes (which is a quicker way to do any Healing Code, see http://qcodesinfo.com), you can add Master Key elements to make them even more powerful. This is what I use when I do Healing Codes for others. I am adding my release prayer I say when doing this on behalf of other people. 1. “Punch in” your Healing Code by pointing briefly to the healing centers of your Code, 1-2 seconds per position. 2. Say the prayer of intention:
Dear God, I pray that you would call my spirit to attention to connect with your Spirit and receive your healing and grace. Please find, open, and heal all known and hidden negative images, unforgiveness, harmful actions, negative entanglements, wrong beliefs, and destructive cellular memories of any nature and origin, and all resulting physical issues [can add, 'especially ..'] with any connection to [insert issue, i.e. feeling/belief] from [insert memories]. Please replace all negatives with your love, light and truth. Please also magnify the effectiveness of this healing to the maximum level for my highest good, at an optimal pace, and restore everything in spirit, soul, mind, and body to your intended design. Thank you, Lord, for your willingness and ability to do these things. If praying for another person, I suggest saying the prayer this way:
Dear God, I pray that you would call my [person’s name]’s spirit to attention to connect with your Spirit and receive your healing and grace. Please find, open, and heal all known and hidden negative images, unforgiveness, harmful actions, negative entanglements, wrong beliefs, and destructive cellular memories of any nature and origin, and all resulting physical issues [can add, 'especially ..'] with any connection to whatever is the true source of any disease or dysfunction in [person’s name];s spirit, soul, mind or body, by filling [name] with your love, light and truth. Please also magnify the effectiveness of this healing to the maximum level for [name]’s highest good, at an optimal pace, and restore everything in spirit, soul, mind, and body to your intended design. Thank you, Lord, for your willingness and ability to do these things. 3. Turn on the Master Key audio. (I use one without Words.) Do the Q Code (either 1or 2, or a combination). For the last position, you say the Words, at least one round. Copyright © 2014 Diane Eble All rights reserved. www.HealingCodesCoaching.com
Master Key Bonus: How to Do Healing Codes with The Master Key _____________________________________________________________ 4. Say the following prayer (if for yourself), while still in that last Q Code position:
I pray that the truth of these words would penetrate, saturate, and expand through my bones to heal all related fractals in all directions and melt all resistance to God's grace, so that the life-giving light of God would shine in all the darkness, and bring complete healing, peace, and right relationships with God, self and others. If doing the Q Codes for another person, release the Code to the person at the end, by saying this:
I pray that the truth of these words would penetrate, saturate, and expand through [person’s name]’s bones to heal all related fractals in all directions and melt all resistance to God’s grace, so that the life-giving light of God would shine in all darkness and bring complete healing, peace, and right relationships with God, self and others.
Incorporating the Master Key into Your Whole Life Here are some other ways to incorporate elements of the Master Key into your life. 1. Play the music (without Words) in the background, softly, as you go throughout your day. 2. When you have a moment, especially if you feel stressed, adopt the Energy Medicine position, breathe deeply, and say the Words while focusing on the images for each word. This is a wonderful way to take a quick break. 3. When praying for others, you can incorporate the above prayers, even if you can’t do any other part of the Master Key or Healing Code. Say the prayer of intention, go through the Words, and then pray the “prayer of infusion.”
These are some of the ways I have incorporated the powerful elements of The Healing Codes and the Master Key into my own life. Feel free to experiment yourself, and send me your own suggestions! ([email protected])
Copyright © 2014 Diane Eble All rights reserved. www.HealingCodesCoaching.com