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Flysky Fs-i6 Firmware Download

RCgroups Discussion here: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?2486545-FlySky-FS-i6-8-channels-firmware-patch%21/page122

  1. Tgy I6s Firmware Update
  2. Firmware Download For Android
  3. Flysky Fs-i6 Firmware Upgrade (10 Channels)
  1. FlyPlus firmware for FlySky I6X Because lately a lot of people asking me if there will be release of FlyPlus firmware for I6X unit I have decided to start such project. The idea is to bring actual functionality of FlyPlus firmware to I6X units.
  2. How to download and update firmware flysky fs i6 firmware Download zte mf910 firmware there can be verity of different reasons why people may need to download and update stock rom (flash files) for their smartphone.

I have been experimenting with my flysky i6 transmitter, and learned some neat things. 1) There is a secret menu. 2) There is a secret way to put the transmitter into firmware update mode. 3) The firmware & device is hackable to allow telemetry, thus allowing you not to require apm telemetry modules.

*Update: After discussion, it is decided that experimental unique mavlink/telemetry versions of the fsi6 mod firmware is better suited to use Basei6_updater from now on as it will allow faster testing, without the need for .exe packaging. This means it is a little bit more complicated for the average user to learn to do, but it means that also the user will be able to customise telemetry menu as required before flashing to i6 transmitter (only some telemetry parameters can fit onto screen at one time, so selection of those is necessary before flashing). Users who are uncertain using this version should either learn to use it, or stick to simple Windows .exe (Executable) version which is what everyone seems to use (but new experimental .exe version releases are less frequent than .bin file releases).

Basei6_updater is here: https://github.com/ThomHPL/BaseI6_updater

mhils updater is here:https://github.com/mhils/flysky-updater

Nice Youtube Video Guide: how to flash using .bin files + Basei6 Updater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCdORlxw8xY&ab_channel=MKmeLab

Depreciated from 07/05/2017:(https://github.com/benb0jangles/FlySky-i6-Mod-/tree/master/10ch%20Mavlink%20Mod%20i6%20Updater)

A collection of software modifications for the FlySky i6, some useful, some experiment. All use of this repository is experimental and you use at your own risk. But, progress is being made. Please also note that this project is now contributed by many developers/engineers who deserve lots of recognition for their (free) time, knowledge & effort, so please say thanks to all contributors and not me as a single entity. Open/Free Devs need hugs too. Thanks :)

Project goals:

  • Increase number of channels (using PPM or ibus)
  • Enable Mavlink/APM Telemetry (using ia6b receiver)
  • Ability to edit TX Voltage reading & alarm (allowing lithium battery power)
  • Edit duration of 1 minute 'inactive' alarm
  • Functional Flight Timer
  • RSSI

Notable thanks to contributors (alphabetical order):Benbojangles, DBorthwick, mhils, Povlhp, qba667,ThomHpl


At present we have the following achievements using the FlySky i6:

  • We are able to flash different official firmware to the i6 and explore each new firmware
  • there are hidden menus to change things like: e.g: tx voltage measurement, stick centering etc
  • there is secret way to enter firmware update mode
  • flashing the i6 using trainer port - to - FTDI/UART does not affect the bootloader code (as is understood 17/11/2015)
  • flashing the i6 using it's internal DEBUG PORT/JTAG is possible to change the bootloader, collect eeprom data, and change firmware
  • There is a guide to FTDI flashing i6 with different official firmware: (http://dalybulge.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/turnigyflysky-i6-secret-menu.html?view=classic)
  • There is a guide to flashing i6 for 8ch mod using Jtag(https://github.com/ThomHPL/FSi6_updater) Also guide (https://basejunction.wordpress.com/2015/09/13/en-flysky-i6-part-3-firmware-patching/) Also easy explanation here (https://github.com/benb0jangles/FlySky-i6-Mod-/tree/master/Developer%20Files/SWD%20port%20Flashing%20Guide)
  • Experiments using Arduino IDE v1.6.6 are ongoing (https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software), with Teensyduino Add-on (https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html) (Settings > Board > Teensy LC > 48mhz) (LCD example: ST7565)
  • Flashing under Linux (wine) is possible, but you may need to map wine's COM1 to the actual com port (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0)(https://www.winehq.org/docs/wineusr-guide/misc-things-to-configure#AEN901)
  • There is also a native uploader for Linux, see https://github.com/mhils/flysky-updater
  • If you have interested in learning about the process involved in accessing, reading then reversing firmware I will add links here:(http://jcjc-dev.com/2016/12/14/reversing-huawei-5-reversing-firmware/)

More will be added/edited as progress is made. Please send me PM me if you have changes/updates:email:i6mods@gmail.comRCgroups.com:BenbojanglesDiydrones.com:Benbojangleshttp://dalybulge.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/turnigyflysky-i6-secret-menu.html?view=classic

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Posted by2 years ago

Connecting a Flysky FS-i6 to a windows 10 PC?

I picked up a cable to connect the S-Video output of my FS-i6 to USB. When I plug it into my PC, I see a new 'game controller' device listed in 'Devices and Printers' called 'PPM001a001a001a001a001a001a001a001a001a001a001a[][][][][][][][]' where '[]' is likely some unprintable unicode character.

I have a copy of Liftoff as well. Any idea how to hook the two up together? I can't see to get Liftoff (or any other software) actually see the device when I try to calibrate it.

EDIT: It turns out that the cable I bought was actually this one: https://www.amazon.com/Flysky-Fs-sm100-Simulator-Cable-Free/dp/B01335TBIK

It comes with a link to a site that no longer exists.

Windows 10 update download location. Nov 5, 2018 - To update your system to the latest release, there must be enough space on your hard drive for the update files. By default, Windows will store any update downloads on to your main drive, this is where Windows is installed, in the C: Windows SoftwareDistribution folder. May 15, 2018 - The default location of Windows Update is C: Windows SoftwareDistribution. The SoftwareDistribution folder is where everything gets downloaded and later installed. Next, use Ctrl+Alt+Delete to launch the Task Manager and switch to Services tab, and then right-click on wuauserv, and stop it. Mar 29, 2018 - Under Task Manager open the “Services” tab, right click on “wuauserv” and choose “Stop.” Next, navigate to the C: drive and open C: Windows softwaredistribution and rename the folder to 'softwaredistribution.old'; to change Windows update download location Windows 10.

I took the advice of /u/biggs2003 and used a copy of SPP plus a male-to-male microphone cable into my mic socket on my PC. It's now kind-of working in Liftoff, although I think I need to calibrate it.

Since I have a Mode 1 controller (I was sent the wrong version by banggood.com) I think I am going to take the controller apart and set it up for mode 2, then put it all back together and try to calibrate it properly for Liftoff.

Tgy I6s Firmware Update

Thanks to everyone who helped so far! I'm happy just using the microphone input with SPP for now, hopefully tuning it won't be too hard..

Firmware Download For Android


EDIT2: Oh, and the advice on turning the controller into 'student mode' is also really important. It's one of the menu options on the controller itself.

Flysky Fs-i6 Firmware Upgrade (10 Channels)

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